EGP Cut & Dredging Update
Pond Cut Scheduled for Weekend: The current elevation of Edgartown Great Pond is ~4 feet above sea level. Pond cuts are possible when EGP is ≥ 3.5 feet above sea level. Shellfish Constable, Paul Bagnall, announced Monday afternoon at the meeting of the Edgartown Board of Selectmen that the Town of Edgartown has scheduled an […]
Great Pond Cut Update
High Water on EGP: Curious about the timing of the next cut? The Town of Edgartown launched its dredge in Edgartown Great Pond on Monday January 25th, 2021. The dredge needs a high elevation pond for launch, operation, and hauling out. As such, the Town plans to open EGP as soon as the dredging is […]
GPF Board Changes
After over two decades of service, Brendan O’Neill, Executive Director of the Vineyard Conservation Society, has stepped down from the Great Pond Foundation’s Board of Directors. Brendan’s vast knowledge of Island ecosystems, both environmental and political, has informed and guided the work of our Foundation. We are all deeply indebted to Brendan for the generosity […]
Winter Dredging
Edgartown to Dredge EGP: The Town of Edgartown launched its dredge into Edgartown Great Pond on Monday, January 25, 2021 in preparation for dredging of the Pond. The Town of Edgartown holds a comprehensive dredging permit in Edgartown and there are currently two areas in the Great Pond where dredging is permitted: 1) the delta […]
Drawn to Water
Why are people drawn to water? By Emily Reddington Sunrise over the Pond in December is a dynamic watercolor painting with ever-increasing light. Since adopting a puppy this fall, I have seen my fair share of sunrises. One morning three otters gathered near the pond shore, the first carried a fish in its mouth and […]
Giving Thanks
The November cut of Edgartown Great Pond lasted ~10 days, following an 11/7 opening. The Pond drained effectively, as the water level is much lower, and the cut stayed open long enough for it to become tidal and be flushed with saltwater from the ocean. As of today the salinity is about 18-19 ppt (parts […]
Cyanobacteria & Pond Health
Dave and Doris Luening Pond Sustainability Series: In honor of Dave Luening and his immeasurable and enduring contributions to Edgartown Great Pond, Great Pond Foundation establishes the Dave and Doris Luening Pond Sustainability Series. The purpose of this annual speaker series is to inform and unite the community in order to support the sustained protection of […]
Blue-green algae: Get answers to your questions about cyanobacteria: Is it safe to go in the water? By now, many of you have heard about the recent cyanobacterial sampling conducted by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission and reported in the yesterday’s Gazette article. As a scientific organization, Great Pond Foundation values the role of science in […]