Clinging Jellyfish Caught During Beach Seine:
Clinging Jellyfish have again been spotted in Edgartown Great Pond. First observed in EGP in 2018, clinging jellyfish, officially known as Gonionemus vertens, pack a powerful sting. GPF received reports of clinging jellies in Slough Cove from Martha Cohan and from our science team who observed them when conducting beach seines to the east and west of the cut region of the barrier beach.
GPF science staff and interns have begun sampling the biodiversity in the depths of Edgartown Great Pond thanks to an Impact Grant provided through the generosity of the MV Community Foundation.
Clinging jellyfish captured during seine. Jellyfish in bucket. Clinging jellyfish and ctenophores captured in seine. Clinging jellyfish in seine with eelgrass Seine in progress. Shrimp up close. Shrimp captured during beach seine.