Feeding Frenzy
Good Eats in the Pond: Curious what the birds and the big fish are eating in the Great Pond? Scientific Programs Manager and Biologist, Julie Pringle has the answer. Julie studied silversides during her graduate studies at UConn. The diving and feasting birds are a sure sign that there are bigger fish feeding on baitfish. […]
Summer Memories
The Essence of Summer: By Emily Reddington & Liz Olson Every year as the sun sets and the Sturgeon Moon rises over Edgartown Great Pond, neighbors from around the Pond meet on kayaks to celebrate summer. This annual gathering is an occasion to soak in the essence of summer and celebrate the natural world. The […]
Tribute to Dave Luening
Dave Luening’s Legacy: It is with profound sadness that we report the loss of our friend and colleague Dave Luening earlier this month. Dave Luening was a towering influence on the Great Pond, serving as a founding director of the Great Pond Foundation, as its president, as a board member throughout, and as a member […]
2019 EMR EGP
2019 Ecosystem Monitoring Report – EGP: Beginning with 2019, Great Pond Foundation will be releasing an annual Ecosystem Monitoring Report in addition to our traditional Annual Report. This new report describes the health of Edgartown Great Pond, based upon data from our scientific monitoring program. It contains educational resources such a visual glossary that will […]
GPF Annual Report – 2019
Explore our work in the 2019 Annual Report! We are proud to bring you Great Pond Foundation’s Annual Report – 2019. Please explore our work and learn about how our work over the last decade has made Edgartown Great Pond a Restoration Success Story. ~ Learn how Dredging Keeps Edgartown Great Pond Alive. ~ Discover […]
2020 Zoom Speaker Series: Cocktails and Conversations
Join us for an online speaker series, presented by the Great Pond Foundation Advisory Council. You supply the cocktails; we supply the conversation! Nitrogen: Too Much of a Good Thing Transforming Nitrogen in Your Own Backyard: Green Practices for Greenscapes
Watershed Housing Density
Density Matters: One of the reasons Edgartown Great Pond is among the healthiest Island ponds is because of the very low housing density immediately surrounding it. Properties with frontage on Edgartown Great Pond (EGP) have an average housing density of 212 square feet per acre (367,049 ft2 / 1734 acres). By the same methodology, the […]
EGP Delisted by DEP
Edgartown Great Pond Removed From Impairment List: Edgartown Great Pond has been delisted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (Mass DEP). This means that Edgartown Great Pond has sufficiently low levels of bacteria to be considered safe for shellfishing, swimming, and boating.
Dredging Is Essential to Pond Health
A Tale of Two Cuts: A decade of dredging in Edgartown Great Pond has increased the circulation of seawater throughout the Pond during openings, which has resulted in measurable improvements to water quality and ecosystem health. Before annual dredging began, EGP had impaired water quality, frequent algal blooms, and a struggling oyster population. With regular […]
Island Resilience
The water that divides us from the mainland, unites us as a community. Martha’s Vineyard is celebrated for abundant and beautiful natural spaces, but one of our greatest assets is our strong and resilient community. Our physical isolation from the mainland reminds us of the essential role our community and its resources play in our […]