Forgo Fertilizer, Protect Ponds

We depend on clean and healthy waters to feed families, support the local economy, and nourish our spirits.
Excess NITROGEN is the greatest threat to our ponds.
Reducing fertilizer (the 2nd greatest source of N) is the fastest and least expensive way to reduce NITROGEN pollution.
Synthetic and organic fertilizer both contain NITROGEN. What matters is decreasing how much NITROGEN enters watersheds.

Would you stop using fertilizer if it would save our ponds?

Help us keep the Great Ponds alive! Things you can do:
- RIPARIAN OWNERS: Take the survey below about landscaping practices.
- LANDSCAPERS: Take the survey below, for landscapers.
- Learn WHY reducing or eliminating fertilizer can help our ponds.
- Consider cultivating a Vineyard Lawn. See below👇🏽.
- Stay tuned, more tools, tips, and resources are coming soon.
Today on Martha’s Vineyard, we understand that what was once considered the “perfect” lawn – a vast emerald carpet, unblemished by weeds – is in fact highly detrimental to our Island’s ecosystems. Protecting biodiversity and clean water depends not just on conserving wild spaces, but also on what we individuals do with our personal landscapes.
VCS’ Vineyard Lawns Initiative
Funding provided through a grant from the