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5th of August 2016

Explore the Biology of Edgartown Great Pond on August 20th

Explore the Biology of Edgartown Great Pond on August 20th   The Great Pond Foundation invites you to come see what our interns are up to. Our High School and College Interns, Sam Hartman and Natalie Scanlan, will be demonstrating water sampling techniques, oyster restoration, and bird monitoring methods. This event is for children ages […]

26th of July 2016

HereLab – Pond STEM Camp – Aug. 22-26

HereLab – Pond STEM Camp – Aug. 22-26 In keeping with the Foundation’s work on monitoring water quality in Edgartown Great Pond, we have partnered with HereLab to offer an IoT STEM Camp — running from August 22nd – 26th, where young people get hands-on experience building and using real-time sensors in the Pond. The camp truly is an exciting […]

14th of July 2016

What’s floating in Edgartown Great Pond?

What’s floating in the Pond? Some of you may have noticed the oddly shaped objects floating in Edgartown Great Pond.  Sam Hartman, our summer intern has the answer. The odd floats that have been spotted around the pond are oyster cages. These cages are placed at places not naturally conducive to oyster growth due to their sandy […]