Island Ponds Community Workshop

The Great Pond Foundation presents a 3-part Zoom workshop featuring presentations and panel discussions from fellow pond managers, scientists, and advocates.

This series highlights issues that impact ponds and watersheds across Martha’s Vineyard and supports Island-wide collaboration, communication, and action among pond groups.

Videos of all the the workshop sessions can be found below.

For Island Ponds Community Workshop updates and future events, please Contact Us and ask to be added to the list.

Useful Resources:

 This series is made possible through a grant from the Edey Foundation.

December 2nd, 2021 – Excess Nitrogen & Land Use Change

Keynote Speaker – Excess Nitrogen & Land Use Change: Dr. Javier Lloret – Using Stable Isotopes to Identify Sources & Effects of Nitrogen in Edgartown Great Pond.
Panel Discussion and Q&A – Excess Nitrogen & Land Use Change: moderated by Omar Jackson and Matt Poole with panelists Dave Grunden, Paul Bagnall, Melinda and Michael Loberg, Chris Seidel, and Javier Lloret.

December 9th, 2021- Pond Systems Out of Whack

Harmful Algal Blooms – Ponds Out of Whack, Part I: Featuring Keynote Speaker Dr. Christopher Gobler. Speaker Panel moderated by Julie Pringle, with panelists Marcella Andrews, Andrew Jacobs, Marina Lent, Emily Reddington, and Christopher Gobler.
Invasive Species Info Session – Ponds Out of Whack, Part II: Moderated by David Bouck and featuring panelists Maria McFarland, Emma Green-Beach, Dan Martino, and Elizabeth Loucks.

January 13th, 2022 – Data in a Changing Climate

Keynote Speaker – Pond Data & Climate Change: Keynote Speaker Liz Durkee, Climate Change Planner for the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, discusses ponds and climate change. GPF’s Julie Pringle provides a primer on pond data.
Tribute & Panel Discussion – Pond Data & Climate Change: In late 2021, our Island community lost a dear friend, trusted advisor, scholar, and a gentleman who epitomized all the best of the Vineyard. Filmmaker, Ollie Becker, shared an early look at his Great Pond film footage in honor Kent Healy. A panel discussion on how scientists and managers can work together to combat the impacts of a changing climate using data driven management follows.