~Beach Seine Science Days~
Summer 2024

Join us for a beach seine @ State Beach Little Bridge
Saturday, July 13, 10:00 – 11:30 am
(Rain date Sunday, July 14th)
We’ll catch fish, crabs, and many other pond creatures!

Great Pond Foundation is continuing our commitment to education by hosting Beach Seine Science Days in summer 2024. This is building off a successful collaboration with Friends of Sengekontacket Pond and Island Spirit Kayak in 2021, where dozens of families participated in our Sengekontacket Species Roundup to learn about the fish and invertebrates found along the pond’s shoreline. These events center on GPF’s 30-foot beach seine net, which is dragged across shallow water and captures animals throughout the water column, from the bottom of the pond up to the surface, replicating our scientific field work. GPF uses this net to study biodiversity in an ecosystem, as data generated from beach seine hauls can be used to track changes in species composition and abundance over time. However, this net is also an excellent outreach tool, as it allows members of the community to be hands-on with critters in our ponds while learning about the array of life that the pond supports. All beach seine events are free and open to the public.