March is Women’s History Month and we are celebrating women of science with the help of the wise and wonderful woman of words, MVYRadio’s Laurel Redington.
Great Pond Foundation is lucky to have three female scientists on staff: Communications Coordinator – Erin Hepfner, Scientific Program Director – Julie Pringle, and Executive Director – Emily Reddington.
Laurel Redington spoke with Julie and Emily about women in science and you can hear this conversation on the Soundcloud recording, or on the Night Casts Show broadcast on MVYRadio, Sunday, March 13th @11pm.
Julie Pringle with a black sea bass. Julie studied Atlantic silversides for her thesis, but also loves recreational fishing. Emily Reddington preparing deep sea sampler for WHOI vehicle Jason, onboard the RV Atlantis, Mid-Cayman Rise 2013. Erin Hepfner with her Derby-contending bluefish, Fall 2021.